Annual luncheon 2023

On Sunday 23rd October the club held its annual luncheon at Saxon Hall. 

Following the luncheon, trophies were presented to all the winners of individual and team club competitions, that took place during the 2023 Season. The runners-up had earlier stood up as a group to be acknowledged by family friends and , members, to receive their trophies. 

Well done to all the winners and runners up.

President’s Day 2023

To celebrate Bill Robinson’s President’s Day a mixed drive was held in glorious weather on Saturday 2nd September.  Bill had previously been President in 2017 and was again very pleased to take up the position following an extended three year period of being Captain as a consequence of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the club.

On Monday 4th September an evening meal was held at Thorpe Hall Golf Club in celebration of Bill’s presidency, which was very well attended and enjoyed by club members and guests.

Ladies make the triples final

During the week of 7th August Chalkwell Bowling Club hosted the Southend Parks Bowls Circle Ladies Triples Competition. 

Our ladies rink comprising, Angela, Julie and skip Helen, put on a superb performance to reach the final at the first attempt where they faced Whitehall Ladies.  Unfortunately it was not to be a dream debut, as they were edged out in the final 18-13. Nevertheless,  a tremendous performance by the Southchurch rink which has given them experience ready for the 2024 competition.

Thanks go to Lawrie and his team at Chalkwell for hosting the competition.