Aussie pairs

In wonderful weather the Australian Pairs club event took place on 22nd June, with the twenty players enjoying a great day of bowling spread over three separate sessions.  The final was between Angela and Ron, and Bernice and Ian. The latter were the eventual winners winning in a closely fought match. Well done to all the players who participated in the event and making it such a success. Good on ya!

Ladies win triples trophy again

This week the Southend Parks Bowls Circle, Ladies Triples competition, was hosted by Belfairs Bowling Club. The four-day competition involving twelve clubs came to a finale today when Southchurch Park beat Eastwood 22-12. 

Congratulations to team Southchurch – Bernice, Chris and Jean, who put on an excellent performance to win the trophy for a fourth time in five playing years. Well done ladies!  

A big thanks to Jo Lawrence and Belfairs for their excellent hosting of the competition and a special mention for our own  Gary Williams who organised the tournament as well as organising an evening mens qualifying tournament at Whitehall. 

New club President for 2022

At the Club AGM held on 22nd November, outgoing President Malcolm transferred his Ribbon of Honour to Mrs Bernice Abrahams, who became the elected club President for 2022, and the first lady member to hold the position since the club went mixed in 2015. 

Congratulations to Bernice and we wish her an enjoyable and successful season.

Bernice Abrahams accepts the Ribbon of Honour from outgoing President, Malcolm Fisher

Annual luncheon 2021

The annual end of season Club Luncheon took place a Saxon Hall, on Sunday 24th October. It was very sociable occasion with an enjoyable meal, followed by the presentation of trophies for the winners of club competitions. 

This was President Malcolm’s last social event of his two year Presidency and he rounded off the season being presented with the Club Championship trophy.  Special presentations were also made to Macolm’s wife, Elaine and to Bernice Abrahams.

Celebrating our 90th anniversary

This year the club celebrates its 90th birthday, since being founded in 1931 by workers from Southend Gas, Light and Coke Company on Eastern Esplanade, opposite the Corporation loading pier, and by workers from Southend East Railway Station. Legend has it that the club opened on 7thMay. 

The black and white photo in this posting shows a photo of members celebrating the match. Note the gentlemen in the front row wearing a railway uniform.

To celebrate the anniversary, we arranged an invitation mixed fours match against Southend Parks Bowls Circle and other invited bowls clubs on Tuesday 14th September. All six rinks were used with 48 players in a mixed player match of the Swans versus Signets, which was won narrowly won by the Swans. 

It was a long day with the set-up of the facilities starting at 8.30am, photos at 1.30pm and the match commencing at 2pm followed by the buffet at 4.30pm. 

The photos below tell the story of the day and although the day was overcast and wet at times an enjoyable time was had by everybody.

A special thanks to the club volunteers see the photo of those seated in casual clothes, who set up the three gazebos, the rinks,  and to the catering team, who organised the delicious food, cold drinks and of course, teas and coffees. 

The first photo is a late morning picture of the club volunteers, followed by the three group photos former, present and the future Club President,  Committee members with the Ladies, and then the all persons group photo.  The remaining photos were taken on a random basis and give an idea of the day both playing and organisationally.

The majority of the photos were taken and edited by Chris Ridgwell, Shoebury Bowls Club and are reproduced on the web site by his kind permission.